Harvest Now

Client Harvest Now Category

A new initiative for a multi-campus church launches to make it easier to get plugged in.


Harvest Bible Chapel is a multi-campus church in Chicagoland. The Harvest NOW initiative was launched to refresh their brand and make their services, opportunities and resources more accessible to newcomers and members alike. Central to the refresh was an updated web presence.

  • Bring a new level of simplicity and clarity to key pages on the website.
  • Communicate a clear path to get involved.
  • Carry over the aesthetics of the the Harvest NOW brand.


We designed a series of web pages with a new visual direction based off of the Harvest NOW brand. We deviated from the layout of the rest of the site with a simplified approach to browsing and digesting content. Colorful, image-laden pages provide appeal and keep readers attention. Designs were passed off to an internal team for production. Harvest NOW shows the effectiveness of refreshing visuals and rethinking key aspects of a website to draw in users and increase conversions.